Giving a VOICE to survivors of abuse
“My experience in helping survivors of abuse, along with what I find to be true for myself, is no matter the age or the type of abuse you don’t feel like you have a voice. You are either shamed into being quiet or made to feel guilty so you don’t tell, or belittled enough that you begin to believe you deserve what is being done or said. You don’t matter. I think it’s time for survivors to recognize that they do matter and they are not alone. It is my goal (or desire) to be a voice for them and hopefully encourage survivors of all ages, genders and races to speak out and begin to talk about the abuse. The more we talk about it the better chance the cycle will be broken.”
Shannon Carr
Shannon McGraw Carr is a member of the Cathlolic Speakers Organization.

Hopeful Hearts Podcast is brought to you by Hopeful Hearts Ministry. We bring light and a little laughter to the listener while we talk about the power of God’s healing love. Listen today on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. If you have a topic you would like to hear us discuss, let us know!

A PLACE WHERE HOPE IS RECLAIMED : Hopeful Hearts Ministry strives to alleviate the suffering and restore the self-worth of survivors of abuse. We are a faith-based ministry that supports the long-term recovery of survivors through peer support sessions, counseling, and public awareness.