I Have a Voice

I have a Voice

The “I Have a Voice” YouTube videos are personal stories of survivors who have survived various forms of abuse in their lifetime (domestic, sexual, incest, rape, neglect, emotional and verbal). These videos show the power a survivor has when given the chance to give a VOICE to their story that was once kept hidden in shame and guilt.

“I Have a Voice” is about recognizing you are not alone, that the abuse does not define you, however by surviving what we’ve lived through we are empowered to move forward.


(Childhood Sexual Abuse and Pornography Addiction)

“… healing journey found HHM first video by Shannon Dietz to share her story which gave me great hope that healing was possible. Forgiveness has entirely changed by life and freed me from pain of childhood abuse. Hopeful Hearts was a major part of the practicality of that healing journey into healing and freedom.”


(Dealing with Childhood sexual abuse)

“I know it (the abuse) happened for a reason … I can speak about it, it’s a part of my life… this is Jenna and I’m a survivor”


(Dealing with Childhood neglect, abuse, domestic abuse)

“I feel convinced that I know my worth with God. I’m learning how to accept God’s deliverance.”


(Childhood molestation, and priestly abuse)

“If you ask God for help, he will help you. Thank God we are talking more and more about it (abuse). And there’s more and more help with groups like Hopeful Hearts Ministry that do just amazing work to help people find their way.”


(Domestic violence/ homicide attempt)

“After he shot me, I felt like someone was holding me… I’m not real good at remembering bible verses but the one that kept running through my mind that night was “Be still and know that I am God”. I love my scare now, it represents that I lived and I’m here…”


(Rape, abuse, neglect)

“I just prayed, and, in the word, it is written over and over “I am always with you”. And, so in my anger over all that I had lost – over what was taken from me – I asked God, where were you? He answered, “I was surrounding your love”. He protected my ability to love, he didn’t allow those men or women to take everything from me.”


(Middle school rape and bullied by peers)

I find hope praying … I know I’m not alone, I’m not the only one out there going through this. It’s good to talk about it and there’s people out there to talk about it with…”


(Domestic Violence Survivor)

“emotional abuse stays with you for a long time … I truly felt I was unworthy of love… my incarcerated son told me about Hopeful Hearts as a part of the healing. Abuse doesn’t have to be your life… abuse doesn’t determine who you are and who you will be. Your past doesn’t have to dictate your future.”


(Domestic Violence affects the family)

“It’s not just her life that was taken, it affected the kids, her family in Louisiana…but where there is brokenness there is hope. One day we will see her again.”

Jose (English)

(Emotional abuse turned Domestic Violence)

“I will not sit around and be weepy…God has given me strength to work on my self. I have taken time on working on me to get better and that takes time and resilience. I put myself as a priority because I deserve it. I deserve to be the child God created me to be.”

Jose (Spanish)

(Emotional abuse turned Domestic Violence)

“I will not sit around and be weepy…God has given me strength to work on my self. I have taken time on working on me to get better and that takes time and resilience. I put myself as a priority because I deserve it. I deserve to be the child God created me to be.”